School Age Eco-Camp Week 3 (6/24/2024) - Wilderness - A Survival Adventure

This week campers will survive in the wilderness using the bare essentials in a backpack!

Sold out! Please email our Eco-Camp Director, Anne Muvdi, at [email protected] if you would like to be added to a waitlist. Please indicate in your email which week(s) you would like to be added to, for how many children, and ages of childre

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Kindergarten-5th grade: Campers will survive in the wilderness using the bare essentials in a backpack. They will learn about the principles of ‘Leave No Trace,” situations that could occur when going for a short or long hike in the woods, and strategies to track animals. A large portion of the week (3 days) will be dedicated to learning how to properly shoot a bow and arrow (with a qualified instructor) and fishing using a rod and bait!