APRIL 1ST - Homeschool: Camouflage and NSI


During the April program, students will become Nature Scene Investigators (NSI), learning how to identify animals and their habits even when we can't see them face-to-face!


The Nature Place 575 St. Bernadine Street, Reading, PA, 19607

Date & Time

Tuesday, April 1st at 10:00AM - 11:30AM

Let Berks Nature's educators teach your children about nature and natural science! Our Homeschool Programs are specially designed to provide your students with a hands-on learning experience to better understand our natural world and the science underlying our ecosystems. Engage your child's curiosity through experimentation and inquisition, all while under the thoughtful guidance of our skilled environmental educators.
During the April program, students will become Nature Scene Investigators (NSI), learning how to identify animals and their habits even when we can't see them face-to-face! We'll learn all about tracks, scat, footprints, and other animal signs to decode the secret messages left behind by wildlife before taking a walk about Angelica Creek Park to put these investigational skills to the test. This class is best suited for ages 5+.
Please note, end times are approximate. 
Registration for this event closes on March 30th!
$10 per Child !
Sold out! Please click on waitlist link in event description to the left to join waitlist. We will reach out ASAP if any spots open up for you to join us!
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